I like your approach to no-code solutions "Winter is coming!". When I developed a new no-code programming paradigm (Trigger-flow visual programming, Niomatic), this goes back to 2012. At that time, it all seemed like a ridiculous idea to build apps in Android or iOS devices by a no-code IDE application. In addition, I had seen the problems of Data-flow programming (ex. LabVIEW) because I worked with that software for years. That's why I knew I had to build a new programming model (I named it trigger-flow).The output of Niomatic is applets that run like a native application without the need to install (by Runtime app/SDK); It's available on Google play. Also, we design runtime SDK for microcontrollers, backend (PHP / Node), and JavaScript, but I could not find an investor for it (I was in Iran). Anyway, now, for a specific vertical, we implemented this practically in Selldone as a no-code commerce solution.